13 African Black Soap Benefits (Acne, Anti-Aging And How to Use)

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African black soap is believed to be originally from Ghana and adopted by many African women, West Africa to be precise but has not been officially used by all as most do not know it’s benefits.

African black soap is all natural and perfect for all skin types, most of the amazing benefits of African black soap are related to beauty and skin care. Very affordable and easy to get in any African countries. These African black soap has been for centuries now and even used for some herbal concoctions.

If you haven’t tried these black soap then you should, it is gentle on the skin and even works magic on your hair.

African black soap is handcrafted with natural ingredients that are gentle and easy on the skin.

Different African countries with a different method of mixing but the basic ingredients include plants such as plantain, cocoa pods, palm tree leaves, and shea tree bark, water or coconut oil is used for the mixture.

The best African black soaps are the natural ones without adding any organic products to it and if you are wondering why African black is much loved, here are some African black soap benefits we have discovered.

13 African Black Soap Beauty Benefits

You can only testify to these amazing black soap benefits listed below if you already give these black soap a trial and if you haven’t, we really think you should.

1. It Brightens The Skin Naturally

Black soap is able to brighten your skin while also maintaining the skins natural beauty, it causes no irritation whatsoever unlike using a toning soap on your skin. It naturally seeps into the skin and with time brightens the outlook and give it a smooth texture. Can be formulated with honey and lemon to give your skin a more natural glow.

2. It Moisturizes The Skin

African black soap is one of the best natural moisturizers for your skin, the coconut oil in the mixture with the shea butter are the right combinations to keep your skin moisturized and beautiful. These black soap on black skins brings out more of the beauty and leave the skin deeply moisturized and tender.

Also read: 10 best moisturizers for oily skin

3. Cleanses And Exfoliates The Skin

For cleansing and exfoliating the skin, African black soap goes to the extreme to get that done and you do not even need to scrub hard to get the dead cells removed from your skin. You can also use it to soften your palm and heels as well. Used in the ancient days with scrubbing stone to remove dry skins under your foot.

4. Treats Acne

These soaps can easily help treats acne and prevent against future occurrences of even pesky skin breakouts like pimples. Used in the mixture of some homemade remedies to treat acne, so for fast results, you can also make acne home remedy with it.

5. Prevents Razor Bumps

After shaving any part of the body and you want to prevent itches or razor bumps from developing, you can wash the area with the black soap, it is gentle on the skin and gives no irritation or redness.

Also read: 11 home remedies for razor bumps that you must know

6. Safe For All Skin Types

Another benefit of African black soap is how it can be used by all skin types and give amazing results, also reduces the excess production of oil, for dry skins as well, it nourishes and provides enough nutrients to sustain it and protect it from inflammation.

7. Minimize The Appearance Of Scars And Stretch Marks

Scars and stretch mark might not completely fade away but it will gradually reduce the appearance and become barely noticeable with time. Probably with time and right usage, those scars and stretch marks will ultimately disappear.

8. Protects Against Premature Aging

African black soap is believed to be used mostly by West African women to get fine lines and the use of it as a bathing soap protects premature wrinkling of your skin. It contains anti-aging properties that make it easy for the skin to get hydrated, which will prevent it from premature aging.

Also read: Anti-aging facial benefits and everything you should know

9. Softens Hair And Cleanses Scalp

Highly recommended for washing hair in place of shampoos as it softens the hair but also gives it a thick texture and as for the scalp, it cleanses it of dandruff or any other hair germs. You can mix these African black soap with some hair wash treatments to get the best results.

Also read: The best shampoo for oily hair in 2019

10. Soothes Skin Irritation

Black soap removes dead cells on the skin surface and still retains the important nutrients to the skin, the skin is easily exposed to harsh weather conditions that might irritate the skin but the constant use of African black soap for bathing will protect the skin from getting irritated, leave it hydrated and well moisturized.

11. Increases Hair Growth

Used as shampoo by a lot of African women and the result is longer and thicker hair, it builds up the hair scalp and gives it a more balanced foundation. No matter the condition of the hair or how dry your scalp is, it calms it down and also keeps natural hair soft and strong.

Also read: 11 Insane products that restore your hair

12. Used As Mild Makeup Remover

Do you know you can use it to clean your makeup? The interesting part is it leaves your smooth and soft and no worries of locking out moisture as it only retains it, so next time your makeup remover finishes and you have African black soap at hand, you only need a very little quantity with water and you gently wipe your makeup off your face. Mainly for mild and simple makeups.

13. Contains Anti Bacterial Properties

african black soap benefits

Perfect replacement for all organic bathing soap easily gets rid of bacteria that cause any inflammation or rashes to your skin, it ensures proper care of your skin and leaves it germ-free. The anti-bacterial properties are highly needed to nourish and protect your skin from any skin conditions and especially dry skins. It also ensures any skin peeling or injury heals fast.

What Are The Best African Black Soap to Buy?

It has come to attention that they are many fake African black soap and for you to get the best result from these black soap you need the quality one, hence why we have gathered five of the best African black soap on Amazon.

1. Dudu Osun Black Soap

Dudu Osun Black Soap

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This particular black soap is as old as time itself, very efficient and keeps the skin glowing for a long time, the product contains the natural ingredients that make up an African black soap, even treats eczema and you will definitely like its fragrance.

2. Nubian Heritage African Black Soap

Nubian Heritage African Black Soap

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Nubian Heritage targets all skin care problem without even drying off, very gentle and easy on all skin types. Also can be used to solve any skin problems without drying out the skin and will leave it hydrated and well moisturized. It brightens the skin as well.

3. Shea Moisture African Black Soap

Shea Moisture African Black Soap With Shea Butter

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Made with shea butter as the top ingredient to moisturize and smoothen the skin, it does not leave the skin dry and itchy and also offers a perfect remedy to acne. You can exfoliate with it too and it does not dry out your hair either but if you are on natural hair, then you might want to add some essential oil to it.

4. Our Earth’s Secrets Raw African Black Soap

Our Earth's Secrets Raw African Black SoapCheck Price On Amazon

Originally from Ghana and well made to suit all skin types, formulated with natural ingredients and it contains no artificial fragrance, simply made with African recipes and you can even make it your skin care remedy.

5. African Black Soap 1lb Bar

African Black Soap 1lb Bar

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This is a black soap that offers authenticity, 100% organic but rumored to work magic, does not irritate the skin and for all skin types, can even be used as your hair shampoo, you just need to blend into liquid and it softens the hair but strengthens the scalp.

How To Use African Black Soap

How to use African black soap is important in order to avoid burning your skin or other skin irritation, with its numerous benefits you might be tempted to use it in excess and although some skin might permit it while some won’t depending on how sensitive your skin is. Here is how it can be properly used.

  • This applies to all skin types when about to use moisturizer. Apply a little to your hands and lather onto your face, rinse with cold water and apply your moisturizer afterward.
  • African black soap is great for oily skin but after usage, you might want to apply a non-comedogenic lotion or oil like sweet almond oil and virgin coconut oil to keep your skin properly hydrated.
  • Dry skin can also be of use to dry and sensitive skin but you might want to use less of African black soap as it might cause your skin to dry out more and become patched and you should also try using a hydrating serum or oil after to keep it moisturized.
  • A small amount of African black soap should be used in case of cleaning acne, open sores and cuts, wash with cool water to reduce the possibility of stinging.
  • If you are using the raw African black soap, take the soap apart and knead into small balls to make sure there are no jagged edges, you can rub your hands on it to form a lather and if applied directly to the skin, do it gently as there might be particles that can tear the skin in it.
  • Always avoid scrubbing your skin with African black soap
  • If you break out or experience any form of rashes, you stop using till you can figure out the cause and talk to your dermatologist about it.

African black soap is all-natural, has many benefits and easy to get and you can as well formulate in whichever way it pleases you and even adds some of your favorite lavender oil to give it a nice fragrance.

You can always buy if you find making it yourself stressful. Thoughts? We’re listening, please leave a comment below.

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